Opening: 10 / 26 Saturday at 17:00 Duration: 10 / 26 – 11 / 23Tuesday to Saturday 13:30 - 18:00Chinese European Art Center
纸本绘画,墨水、茶、颜料、丙烯、玻璃、石膏板、木板、玻璃瓶与植物、涂料、墙面文本、铅笔巴黎美丽城驻留项目 (Villa Belleville Residency)Tendre 生・展(艺术8驻留项目), 个展现场图,2023居住地周围的物品、木材、摄影、旧耳机、麦克风、铃铛、旧吉他弦、电脑等《不在此地》展览呈现了周子悦近年以来的一系列纸本绘画,这些作品大多创作于艺术家在巴黎驻地期间。她通过描绘陌生人奔跑或停驻的脚步、人的肢体与动物的空间关系,以及路边的花苞等观察对象,试图表达对都市环境的另一种日常感受。2020年,法国罢工运动导致的交通瘫痪,促使艺术家频繁行走于工作室与住处之间,并开始将目光更多的转向路面,并从中获取灵感。她的绘画作品逐渐聚焦街道、地铁等公共场所的日常景象,并试图捕捉种种气氛。对于艺术家而言,这些含蓄的“肖像”,展现了被描绘对象不同的状态和情绪。这些看似日常,甚至毫无特殊意义的对象,通过克制的线条勾勒或是浓淡重叠,构成了一种画外(hors-champ)的张力与抽离感。艺术家放大细节、拉进观看距离,试图表达现代生活,尤其是公共交通空间中肢体与空间画面的关系,重新审视日常生活中的不可见之物。将视线放低,艺术家把观看浸没在高速都市生活的日常碎片情绪与感受中,试图再现对周遭环境既熟悉又陌生的感知体验。纸本绘画,墨水,粉末,丙烯,41.5 x 29.7 cm停与连续体(Villa Belleville 驻留项目)
纸本绘画,丙烯,墨水,粉末, 21 x 29.7cm
纸本绘画,丙烯,墨水,粉末,21 x 14.8cm
纸本绘画,墨,丙烯,41.5 x 29.7cm
“Dis-orientation” features a series of recent works on paper by Zhou Ziyue, mostly created during her residencies in Paris. From the depictions of the feet of strangers, either running or resting, to examining the spatial relations of human and animals limbs, to flower buds by the side of the road, Zhou explores a different perspective on urban life.In 2020, collective action by workers caused frequent transport disruption in France, which led Zhou to often make the journey between her studio and home on foot, bringing her into conscious contact with places previously known of but unfrequented. Her works began to focus on the everyday in scenes of the street and the metro, capturing their atmosphere. For Zhou, these works serve as subtle portraits, conveying varied emotions and states of being. Simple lines and abstract elements hint at a sense of direction and disorientation, extending viewers' imagination beyond the canvas.These seemingly mundane objects, sketched with restrained lines and layered tones, create a tension and detachment, and form a dynamic with the "off-screen". By enlarging details and zooming in, Zhou examines the relationship between bodies and space in modern life, particularly in the setting of public transport, re-evaluating the unseen aspects of daily existence. She immerses the viewer in fragmentary snap-shots of emotion from fast-paced urban life, offering a perception of the surrounding environment that feels both familiar and strange.装置、摄影、手绘灯泡、在霞浦松山海边捡拾的物品、渔线装置,回收的鱼线,拾得自福建霞浦松山海边的物件,尺子树脂,苔藓,贝壳,干燥的植物,动物骨骼,浮标,音箱声音设计Arthur Chen,尺寸可变,摄影:王轩鹤在地现成物,热熔胶,植物,钉子,25 x 13cm1989年出生于中国福建霞浦。2011年毕业于厦门大学艺术学院美术系,获学士学位;2015年毕业于法国里昂国立高等美术学院,获造型艺术文凭(DNAP);并分别于2017和2023年,毕业于法国巴黎先贤祠-索邦第一大学 ,获得造型艺术硕士和博士学位。曾作为巴黎美丽城(Villa Belleville)、Poush、Yishu8等机构的驻地艺术家,她的作品通常以空间装置的形式出现,由绘画、雕塑和摄影等不同媒介组成。这些碎片的组合总是与她工作,生活的地方密切相关,她从那些不可见或平淡无奇的事物入手,试图以不同的方式体验周围的环境。她对惯常的姿态、事物在空间中的位置以及自己身体的位置提出质疑,试图创造一种视觉俳句,一种不稳定的视觉景观。Born in 1989 in the coastal town of Xiapu, Fujian, China, graduated from the Fine Arts Department of the School of Art, Xiamen University in 2011 with a bachelor's degree. In 2015, she obtained a Diploma in Fine Arts (DNAP) from the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, France. She furthered her education by earning a Master's and PhD degree in Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University in 2017 and 2023, respectively. She has been a resident artist at institutions such as Villa Belleville, Poush, and Yishu 8 in Paris, her works typically take the form of spatial installations, incorporating various media such as painting, sculpture, and photography. These assemblages are closely connected to the places where she works and lives. She begins with the invisible or mundane, seeking to experience her surroundings in different ways. She questions conventional postures, the positioning of objects in space, and the placement of her own body, aiming to create a visual haiku, an unstable visual landscape.